Creating a Mini-game

This page contains various information and tips on how to create your own Mini-game in Principia.

First, make sure you create a new Custom level. A custom level is completed when any of the following conditions is met:

To set up your own rules, all you need to do is connect your electronics to the WIN-input on a game manager and define when the game is won.

The final score of the level can be set in Level Properties. If you want the score to be displayed, check the Display Score option as well. A level can be completed based on the current score even when the score is hidden.

At any time, you can get the percentage completed using the score-output socket of the Game Manager. This socket will output a value between 0 and 1 where 1 means the player has reached the final score.

Useful objects


Minimize manual camera movement if moving the camera isn't a part of the mini-game. Use cam targeters to set the camera position. Disable camera movement and zooming completely in the level properties if necessary.