drift car(prototipe)
G-flow - Custom level - Nov 20, 2023 from Windows
Issues trying to play levels?
Troubleshoot issues playing levels
im improving the control and mecanics of the system. and im thinking of makig better controls
(now im thinking of a way to activate one thing with the magnet thing)
(1.1i get the way to make the "friction" in rect lines but is kinda buggy
(1.2 improved desing of the car and som of the control systems. now im triying to set a time when the "friction mode" set off for some time. pretending the cluch break (ivè bugged the turn "no friction" mode)
im stuk. and i want to get like an speed limmit i made the desing better
Views: 52 - Downloads: 50 - Level ID: 850
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