principia-web turns 2!

Posted on Dec 26, 2022 by ROllerozxa

Two years ago, on this very day, principia-web was launched. While it had been developed for at least a year prior, with the public commit history going back to February 2020, this marked the day it launched as a public website. At the time, it was called "ROllerozxa's testsite" and was hosted on a Raspberry Pi sitting on my desk. At the time I did not know how well it would handle hosting a publicly available site, but it turned out pretty well and principia-web was hosted from my desk up until March of 2022 when I moved principia-web to a VPS hosted at OVH.

Just as a bit of a personal tangent, principia-web was the first proper project of mine that has been public in any capacity and used by anyone else other than me. It was also the first proper website I've ran, barring some static sites hosted on Github Pages. I've learned so much about running a website during the process of hosting principia-web these two years. It has also been very rewarding hearing from people excited to see that Principia finally had a community site again, and that being thanks to me!

I'm also grateful for everyone who have believed in me, from the time I first made the principia-web repository public, to when I first set up the site back in December 2020. And now with Principia being revived as an open source project, it has become primary community site and I am grateful to remain your kind principia-web sysop.

I'd also like to remind that I now accept donations, so if you appreciate the work I do and want to help cover hosting costs then please donate. Liberapay is a French non-profit donation platform that works like Patreon with recurring donations, but if you want to send a one-time donation then that's fine too, just pick "Manual renewal" and cancel after the first payment (I get all the money that's paid in advance upfront, the "per month" thing is just an abstraction to distribute it like an income).

With that out of the way, I decided to celebrate by running the principia-web source repositories through Gource, creating a video showcasing how principia-web's codebase has morphed throughout the years featuring me and other contributors to the project:
