Dependencies for Official Builds

This page contains an overview of where the dependency libraries for official builds (produced by CI) come from.


We use MSYS2 to obtain our compiler toolchain as well as most library dependencies.

We have custom builds for the following dependencies:

The buildscripts are available in principia-game/windows-deps. Currently these are built manually and then deployed onto for the Principia CI to download, but should be more automated in the future.


The official AppImage builds are built in a Debian container in the CI, so libraries from Debian's repositories end up bundled in the AppImage where it is not assumed that they exist on the target system (e.g. Freetype and cURL are stable enough and should exist on the target system).

We have custom builds for the following dependencies:

The buildscripts are available in principia-game/linux-deps. These are built by CI on each commit to the dependency repository and uploaded to a Github release that the Principia CI then downloads.


For Android we manage all our dependencies, and buildscripts are available in principia-game/android-deps. These are built by CI on each commit to the dependency repository and uploaded to a Github release that the Principia CI then downloads.

Specifically for SDL, the Principia repository contains Java glue code for SDL at build-android/principia/src/main/java/org/libsdl/app/. Currently this has been modified by Principia, but should be more cleanly separated sometime in the future. To update SDL on Android you will need to apply any changes that were made in SDL upstream's glue code while keeping Principia-related changes intact.


We obtain all dependencies from Homebrew.