Making a Release

This page details notes for releasing a new Principia 1.5.2 beta build.


First of all, make sure that Principia runs on the three major supported platforms first: Windows, Linux and Android. It is assumed that all of them successfully build as the CI will test this for every commit, but be sure to test them on real hardware so that no breaking bugs or regressions have cropped up. Download the latest CI artifacts on the master branch for each platform and make sure that they work well.

Also update the changelog on the wiki beforehand so that it is up to date with the changes in the new release.

Incrementing version & tagging

To increment the version, the script set_version.lua found in the utils/ folder in the source tree should be used. It will update the version across the entire codebase at once reducing human error. Simply run it with luajit ./utils/set_version.lua and input the new version code and version name. When done, review the changes it has done and commit it.

When pushed, go onto the Github repository and draft a new release. Input the new version's name and accompanying tag name, and create the tag pointing to master which is where the version update commit should have been pushed.

Template for release description (you can guess the news ID it will have):

### [News article](<NEWSID>) - [Changelog](<RELEASE NAME WITH DASHES>)

To download Principia see the [Download]( page. You can also download the binaries associated with this version below:

Once the release is created and tagged the CI should begin to make builds.


Windows, Linux and Android binaries are officially provided for each release. The CI now produces artifacts at an acceptable quality to distribute these. Look at the CI job for the abovementioned release tag and download the CI artifacts once they're finished (requires being logged into GitHub) and extract the .zip archives they are contained within.


The Windows action generates an x64 NSIS Windows installer artifact as well as a portable build distributed as a .7z archive.

The installer should be renamed to principia_YYYY.MM.DD_win64.exe and the portable should be renamed to principia_YYYY.MM.DD_win64.7z.


The Linux action generates an x64 AppImage as an artifact. It should be renamed to principia_YYYY.MM.DD_x86_64.AppImage.


The Android action generates an APK as an artifact, containing armeabi-v7a, arm64 and x86_64 native libraries currently. The CI generates unsigned APK files such that they can be signed locally by a signing key. Currently ROllerozxa holds the Android signing key for builds. To sign:

apksigner sign --ks ~/key.jks --ks-pass pass:<PASSWORD> --key-pass pass:<PASSWORD> --out principia-release-signed.apk principia-release-unsigned.apk

After being signed the APK should be renamed to principia_YYYY.MM.DD.apk.

Uploading builds and updating downloads

Builds are now hosted on Github and should be uploaded to the respective release. After having prepared them locally per the steps above, go to edit the release and upload the files to it.

The principia-web download page source is in the site's Git repository at templates/download.twig. Update the version variable and URLs should automatically update on the page.

Let people know

Make a news post on principia-web. It should link to the download page as well as the changelog. The release description should also link to this news article.

Update the Principia version code on principia-web available in internal/version-code.php to reflect the new version code. This will make the client begin to start prompting players to update to be sure to have things finished before this.

Then make an announcement on the Discord server linking to the principia-web news article. It can be brief but just let people know it's a thing.

Make a post on the Mastodon account (run by ROllerozxa) writing a bit about the new release and link to the news article at the end. Be sure to find some nice level to use as a screenshot.