ID 29
Category Robotics
Sublayer width 14

Control panel with support for 8 widgets, capable of overriding signals and receiving feedback from external electronics.

Each widget is connected to 2 output slots and 3 input slots, i.e. any widget 'x' is connected to OUTx, OUT(x+8), INx, IN(x+8) and IN(x+16).

For a button, the focus signal is always equal to the raw signal, unless the raw signal is overridden (see below).


1) Toggle button

We want a button that each time pressed changes its state. We want the state to be reflected on the visible button. Add a button widget to OUT0, and connect OUT0 to a Sparsifier. Then connect the Sparsifier to a Toggler. The output of the Toggler is the value we want. Send the toggler output to IN0 (feedback value) and also your own electronics. You now have a toggle button.

2) Slider with recoil

Add a slider widget to OUT0. Connect OUT8 (focus) to an Inverter and then to IN16 (Override enable/disable). The slider will now recoil to 0 when not focused (inverted focus value = 1), if you want it to recoil to another value than 0, for example 0.5, then connect something to IN8 (Set value). 0 is the default value for override if nothing is connected.

3) Slider with springy recoil

We want to create a slider with a recoil effect that acts like a spring and does not instantly go back to 0. Add a slider widget to OUT0. Connect OUT8 (focus) to an Inverter and then to IN16 (Override enable/disable). Connect OUT0 (raw signal) to your own electronics and separately to a Square component. Connect the Square component to IN8 (Override value).

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