Source Repositories

As Principia is an open source project, all our source code is publicly available in Git repositories, not just the source code for the game but also associated infrastructure such as principia-web.

Currently our canonical source for contribution is Github, but we maintain mirrors on Codeberg for most of our repositories. They are read-only right now but should be able to contribute from Codeberg sometime in the future.


This is a list of all "officially" maintained repositories and their Github and Codeberg URLs, if applicable.

Repository Description Github Codeberg
principia Principia game source code Bithack/principia principia/principia
principia-android-deps Dependency buildscripts for Android principia-game/principia-android-deps principia/principia-android-deps
principia-utils Misc. util programs for Principia principia-game/principia-utils principia/principia-utils
principia-web Source code for principia-game/principia-web principia/principia-web
principia-web-archive Source code for principia-game/principia-web-archive principia/principia-web-archive
wiki Content for the Wiki principia-game/wiki principia/wiki
news Repository for news articles principia-game/news principia/news
companion-bot Companion bot for the Principia Discord principia-game/companion-bot principia/companion-bot
image-to-lua Convert images into Principia Lua code principia-game/image-to-lua principia/image-to-lua

Mirroring to Codeberg

Git has the ability to push to several URLs for a single remote which can be used for mirroring the repositories. For example these lines of code in .git/config will push principia-web to the two specified URLs:

[remote "origin"]
    url =
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    pushurl =
    pushurl =

When making changes and committing locally simply git push will push the commits to both remotes automatically. To update the mirror from changes in a PR merged on Github, just git pull locally and then git push to make new commits propagate to Codeberg.