ROller's Pinball

ROllerozxa - Custom level - Nov 5, 2022 from Linux
PlayEdit 8 players liked this.
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The rumours are true, I've been working on a pinball game.

It's fairly basic, but contains some fun stuff to hit at to gain points, and also a feature where you can get immunity (think like the center post in Space Cadet Pinball). Might update it sometime later down the line.

Alongside this level, principia-web leaderboards were also just implemented, so be sure to submit your highscore to be put in the leaderboard! :)

Views: 238 - Downloads: 165 - Level ID: 553

Username Score
1. RAY5D 6,081
2. Principia 5,226
3. freelikegnu 3,873
4. DragonzaS 3,454
5. ilHYO 3,050
6. XGRiDEN 2,914
7. G-flow 2,702
8. amirahmad81 2,691


6 months ago freelikegnu: hehe this is a fun level and the leaderboard function is awesome. Also agree that its a little too easy to cheese, it feels like the immunity area should not fill the whole gap and last so long. Looking forward to updates!
8 months ago G-flow: bro, ive got 12k and the ball got stuck nooooo

8 months ago voxel: feels surprisingly nice to play (maybe slightly too easy?)
1 year ago BobMonkeypimp: Thanks for leaderboards.