Principia 32-BIT for windows

Posted on 2024-09-13 12:32 Link

In the download page on windows there is 64-BIT installer NSIS exe and portable 7-ZIP archive. this is great performance for 64-BIT computer which is common now but for 32-BIT there is no open source version of principia for download, only old 1.5.1 from many years ago. old 32-BIT principia ran on windows XP and other old computer with OK performance, so it should work to have a 32-BIT version again.

Posted on 2024-09-13 12:49 Link

There are no 32-bit Windows builds because they crash on startup. 32-bit Android builds do not have these issues, nor do 32-bit Linux builds have such an issue, it's not necessarily an ideological reason we do not provide 32-bit Windows builds but purely a technical one. But nobody wants to debug and fix what's broken with the 32-bit Windows builds, so therefore there are none and I would suggest anyone who is still on 32-bit Windows to switch to some lightweight Linux distro as I assume the hardware isn't very suited for the versions of Windows that we support either.

As for having a version of Principia that runs on Windows XP that has no reason to do with lack of 32-bit builds. Modern MinGW Windows toolchains, even ones that build for 32-bit, do not target Windows XP. They usually target something slightly newer such as Windows 7 or link against UCRT which XP never received outside of enterprise usecases. So if you were to make a build of Principia in the MINGW32 environment it still wouldn't run on XP even if it didn't crash. To make a new Principia build for Windows XP you would need to build a modern MinGW toolchain that targets Windows XP or dig up an old one that does, and then build all dependencies to target Windows XP. In particular GTK3 has dropped Windows XP so you would need to use an older version or bring back the old GTK2 dialogs.

It would be possible, but it would take some work and effort for what is effectively a novelty.

Posted on 2024-09-13 15:44 Link

OKAY, I see!! yes, 32-BIT windows is not very much used now but there are still old computer who do have it! it would be super COOL to see principia run on windows XP again. maybe i can try to build, but i read how to compile on the wiki and it only mention 64-BIT build. how do you build 32-BIT principia, even if it crash? i can see the crash to test a fix.