Posts by pele

Posted on 2024-09-13 11:38 - in HELLO !! MORE WORDS FOR TITLE Link

HELLO principia!

I am here FINALLY, the journey have been MASSIVE but I AM here finally!! I see that principia is OPEN source now which is great! it is a very good game and I am here again to play principia!!


Posted on 2024-09-13 11:42 - in games similar to Apparatus/Principia Link

THere are MANY games similiar to principia, but none are actually THE principia!! principia is a very unique game and none has matched it. so i am glad principia is still around!


Posted on 2024-09-13 11:48 - in Discussing what can be added to Principia in future Link

I would like more EXPLOSIVES! what about dynamite block which you can explode with signal, or explosives that will shatter objects in half and break them and then fire when power objects break and wood burns up.


Posted on 2024-09-13 11:53 - in The Wiki Thread Link

WOW good job on the new wiki! ^_^ it will be great for new players to get knowledge, i see it linked from the game directly now.

i see some pages that could have more info! how do i edit the wiki? i do not seem to have permission to. i have experience editing wikis but i did not contribute to the old principia wiki


Posted on 2024-09-13 12:32 - in Principia 32-BIT for windows Link

In the download page on windows there is 64-BIT installer NSIS exe and portable 7-ZIP archive. this is great performance for 64-BIT computer which is common now but for 32-BIT there is no open source version of principia for download, only old 1.5.1 from many years ago. old 32-BIT principia ran on windows XP and other old computer with OK performance, so it should work to have a 32-BIT version again.

Posted on 2024-09-13 15:44 - in Principia 32-BIT for windows Link

OKAY, I see!! yes, 32-BIT windows is not very much used now but there are still old computer who do have it! it would be super COOL to see principia run on windows XP again. maybe i can try to build, but i read how to compile on the wiki and it only mention 64-BIT build. how do you build 32-BIT principia, even if it crash? i can see the crash to test a fix.


Posted on 2024-09-13 15:45 - in HELLO !! MORE WORDS FOR TITLE Link

HELLO ROllerozxa, Principia Project Maintainer!! yes, it is very great! all these years of no principia got me to think if it still existed and now i am here.

Posted on 2024-09-13 16:21 - in The Wiki Thread Link

Oh NO, I know. vandalism is not good :( but on wiki like mediawiki you can revert vandalism very quickly and everyone can remove mistakes without a review. but i understand the pravalance of vandalism on a wiki. i will send pull request on github when i have ideas for changes :)


Posted on 2024-09-13 16:40 - in Why is there no undo button Link

UNDO button would be fun! i also see the thread has 25682 views!! i did not know principia and UNDO feature was so popular.


Posted on 2024-09-13 19:01 - in Printable LuaScript API cheatsheet Link

WOW that looks super cool! i would like to have such a cheat sheet for principia luascript. i have written code in the luascript in the past but referencing information is inconvenient on phone. having a sheet with function would be useful. but why does it cost money? principia is open source so making it cost money is strange. the wiki is also free! why should not the cheat sheet be free.


Posted on 2024-09-13 19:27 - in forum attachments Link

I do not know what forum software this forum runs on but if it supports forum attachment then i think it would be good to allow forum attachment. i mean like images and maybe level file or something if they do not upload to the site in other way. it will be useful because i do not understand how image embed can work on the forum, it does not work when i test with image.


Posted on 2024-09-13 19:43 - in Building Contest - Destruction Frenzy Link

Congratulation to the first place winner!! they really deserve the first place. when is next contest?


Posted on 2024-09-14 22:01 - in when and what is the new version Link

Last version was 2024.07.12 released on 12 JUL 2024 and it has been 2 months so now. is there roadmap for next version with new features and when it will release? it will be great to see new features in the new version soon when it is released.