Principia 1.5.2 Beta builds are here!

Posted on Dec 31, 2022 by ROllerozxa

Beta builds of the upcoming Principia 1.5.2 update are now available for both Windows and Android. This will be the first open source release of Principia, and will act as an initial release to get things started (see the roadmap). Many quality of life improvements and fixes have been made, but no major features will be added. For a list of changes currently made, see the Changelog.


Although you may have noticed that the downloads page has already been updated to contain a build of Principia 1.5.2 Beta for Windows, Android has had some issues that prevented me from putting out a usable beta build until now.

With this update, Principia also switches to a new data directory on Android. It is relatively hard to access, so I've made a wiki page on how to access it so you can move any old locally saved levels into the new location.

Linux users can choose to either build from source manually or with packaging buildscripts for Arch, Debian, NixOS and their derivatives. For information about this see the download page. An AppImage is coming soon in the near future.

It is very important to update from the old modded 1.5.1 versions (both the Windows cURL mod and Android principia-web mod) if you want to stay connected to principia-web, as I wish to drop connecting over insecure HTTP and through the old domain as soon as possible.

As always, report bugs whether they are old ones or regressions to the issue tracker, thanks.

Cheers, and have a happy new year,