Principia 1.5.2 Beta build 2023-03-10

Posted on Mar 10, 2023 by ROllerozxa

Hi, a new build of 1.5.2 Beta is now available (2023-03-10). It fixes some bugs and regressions found in the previous builds. You can find it on the download page:


With this build, pressing the "1.5.2 Beta" label in the bottom right corner will display the build date. You can use this to check the version of your build in the future.

For more information about the upcoming Principia 1.5.2 update, see the previous news article.

To see a full list of changes currently in 1.5.2, see the Changelog. Here are a summary of changes in build 2023-03-10, relative to the previous build:

  • Add ability to toggle GUI with F2
  • Use in-game ui::message instead of system toasts on Android (fixes failing game:message)
  • Fix various bugs and freezes on Windows (Ball pipeline not working, Level chunk freeze...)
  • Add ability to toggle object lock on N
  • Remove object and item help texts, it will now open the Wiki instead