Posts by ROllerozxa

Posted on 2021-07-09 19:51 - in First thread >:) (edited 2024-07-27 06:30) Link
Posted on 2021-07-09 19:57 - in LuaScript Resources (edited 2022-10-02 19:25) Link

We now have a Wiki page for LuaScript resources!

This stickied thread is for collecting various resources for people who would like to learn Lua, more specifically Principia LuaScript.

Most generic tutorials for Lua 5.2 should work with Principia.

Posted on 2021-07-09 20:45 - in First thread >:) Link

aw fuck, I got trolled

Posted on 2021-07-10 08:33 - in Why is there no undo button Link

Ah yes, the classic "why is there no undo button" question. It was planned, I think it was even on the feature request roadmap, but other features got in the way I guess.

Posted on 2021-07-10 18:48 - in Principia SMP - 1.16.5 Minecraft Server! Link

Principia SMP Screenshot

Danil_2461 has been hosting a Minecraft server for a while now, simply called Principia SMP. It's a simple multiplayer survival Minecraft server currently running on version 1.16.5. The IP is:

It might not be online at all times, and it goes up and down in terms of activity, but it's always there.

Posted on 2021-07-10 21:02 - in Principia SMP - 1.16.5 Minecraft Server! Link

ew, bedrock

Posted on 2021-07-24 10:32 - in apparatus-web (edited 2022-05-28 17:30) Link

In a similar vein to principia-web, apparatus-web exists as an unofficial community site replacement for Apparatus. It doesn't get as much love as principia-web, but it's still there.

Currently accounts are separate between apparatus-web and principia-web, but this might change in the future as I want to make apparatus-web more embedded into principia-web for ease of maintenance.

Posted on 2021-08-16 10:15 - in Principia SMP - 1.16.5 Minecraft Server! Link

Posted by Drag
Do you have to have a premium account for the server or can you just play it on a pirated version of Minecraft?

The server is in offline mode, so you wouldn't need a premium account to play, but that's illegal! You wouldn't do that, right? ;)

Posted on 2021-10-21 09:38 - in Bad Apple Link

Only possible evolution of this would be a bait-and-switch rick roll level in Principia. :P

Would be cool to make it stream the video data from the internet using Lua sockets instead of embedding it into the Lua code, it would circumvent the level size limit that makes the level itself unable to be hosted directly on principia-web. I'd be willing to host the server-side of something like that if it doesn't take too much bandwidth.

Posted on 2021-11-12 06:24 - in how do you even get this game? (edited 2021-11-12 06:27) Link

None of Bithack's games are on the Play Store anymore, they've all been completely scrubbed even if you've previously downloaded it. Fortunately though it's been archived in the Bithack Game Archive. Here's a direct download link to the last version, 1.0.3.

Posted on 2022-05-03 21:07 - in Minetest Link

Hm well yes I've done some Minetest stuff too which you probably know about.

For games there's Build Game, Minecraftn't (Classic), Mineclone Alpha, Färger, spleef, I also contributed to your KetchupLand game, oh and I forked Sudoku some days ago, and there's some miscellaneous smaller mods I've made. I'm lazy so here's just my GitHub profile filtered to only Lua repos.

Oh and ROllerTest, it's cool. :)

Posted on 2022-05-18 18:44 - in Wow finally i arrived here Link


Yeah this is basically all that's remaining of the Principia community unfortunately. It's not a lot but it's something, activity comes in small bursts I feel like.

Oh yeah we also have a Discord server (there's an invite link on your personal profile page) but it is not particularly active either.

Posted on 2022-05-28 17:32 - in apparatus-web Link

Apparatus-web moved recently, forgot to update the link here. Sorry about that, it's updated now.

Posted on 2022-06-01 15:13 - in How to display images, audio? Link

Principia Lua cannot access the filesystem (at least not in an intentional way), but you can load images as sprites, from an internal sprite canvas each LuaScript object has. There used to be this tool on the official community site written by pajlada that would take an image and convert it into pixel colour data that it draws to the LuaScript's sprite canvas (max. 1024x1024).

I decided to throw it up here if you wanna try it out, but it can be stubborn and hard to use. I'll be working on improving it soon enough though, there's some things I wanna do with it like adding some more information on how to use it, adding settings to configure the sprite size and filtering, etc.

Posted on 2022-08-12 10:45 - in Old Principia levels (edited 2024-03-30 13:06) Link

Nope, they're not gone. An archive of the old community site has been set up at and playing levels from it is going to be supported in the new open source version of Principia.

Posted on 2022-10-02 19:18 - in The Wiki Thread Link

Since we now have a new Wiki, I thought there should be a forum thread in particular for discussing it, if you want to discuss contributing to the Wiki or the like. There is of course also the #wiki channel on Discord if you want to chat about it there.

Posted on 2022-10-02 19:24 - in LuaScript Resources Link

The Wiki now has a page dedicated to resources for Principia Lua Scripting, available here. ZardOz's Lua Scripting tutorial has seen a refresh and is available on the Wiki alongside a new version of the LuaScript API reference.

Posted on 2022-10-04 22:44 - in THE PLASTIC COW Link

Plastic? It's well known that the Principia cow is made out of metal, as can be heard when you slam it hard against the ground.

Posted on 2022-10-13 09:55 - in The Wiki Thread Link

All objects have been imported, and a large majority of the content from the old wiki has been sorted through and imported. I've also gone ahead and imported all item help texts into their own pages.

I went through all the object pages to improve them or elaborate on some things, but everyone else is open to contribute, it's a wiki after all. Sometime I'm going to be going through all of rom1k's tutorials, restepping them to take updated screenshots and fix up the formatting to properly link to object pages while I'm at it.

Posted on 2022-11-05 11:08 - in ROllerozxa actually plays the game for once Link

I guess it's become a bit of a running joke that I work so much on Principia-related things, but do not have the time to actually play the game anymore. So I decided to build a little pinball game, to play the game for once.

pinball game

Hopefully I'll finish it sometime, I've always quite liked the old pinball levels back in the day.